
Are you having a dispute with a business partner, supplier or a client?
Would you like to to resolve it without resorting to litigation?

Mediation offers you the opportunity to resolve your dispute confidentially and privately in a cost effective and efficient manner while preserving your reputation and relationship with the other party. Would you like to find out why mediation is the perfect solution for you?

How can TASWEA help us resolve our dispute?

Our highly trained mediators act as an impartial ‘third-party’

We help you reach an understanding with someone you find it hard to talk to when in a dispute or disagreement.

TASWEA helps you to explore common ground and communicate effectively in order to work toward solutions that everyone can accept. Your TASWEA mediator is there to support positive and constructive dialogue:

  • allowing feelings to be aired and shared
  • for concerns to be raised and addressed
  • for misunderstandings to be cleared

Corporate Mediation

This service is for commercial disputes involving 2 or more parties. It is a voluntary non-binding process where the parties in a conflict agree to have a dialogue and negotiate in the presence of an impartial party (mediator) to reach a settlement.

Learn more about Corporate Mediation

Advisory Services

TASWEA offers advisory services to those who do not yet wish to participate in full mediation but who feel that with support from an accredited TASWEA mediator they may be able to avoid or better manage dispute.

Learn more about Advisory Services

Deal Mediation

Mediation is not only associated with disputes. It is also a tool that ensures a business deal is secured satisfactorily.

Learn more about Deal Mediation

Lectures & Campaigns

We give back to the community through raising awareness on the costs and benefits of conflict in the workplace and how we can manage it for a healthy productive living through lectures and campaigns.

Learn more about Lectures & Campaigns

TASWEA, previously known as “The Mediation Gateway”, was established in 2015 to promote amicable conflict resolution within the business community in Saudi Arabia to support business sustainability and relationships. Rozana ALTayyar, founder of TASWEA, has 18 years of overall experience in the field, achieving a 70% success rate.

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